Our brand cooperates with schools and works on education in the context of eco-social solutions from our region. We have created a partnership within the Visegrad countries and are preparing activities for the students such as design competitions and possibilities to showcase their interests through the media outlets.
We are glad KAPA School from Zilina, Slovakia, which cooperate with us and where we donated our recycled material won the 1st prize at the competition Give Waste a Second Chance organized by the Foundation Ekopolis. Students have created handmade cushion seats out of our recycled non-woven fabric. We are committed to support innovations and education which give a possibility for students to transform their eco and social ideas into reality.
Cushion seats handmade from our recycled material by students at the KAPA School Cushion seats handmade from our recycled material by students at the KAPA School Cushion seats handmade from our recycled material by students at the KAPA School Cushion seats handmade from our recycled material by students at the KAPA School Cushion seats handmade from our recycled material by students at the KAPA School